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June 2018

Year 9 Consultation 2> By | Latest news | No Comments

Engineering UTC North Lincolnshire is proposing a change in admissions to allow Year 9 students to join our community from September 2019.

Marc Doyle, Principal, said the move was another important step in what has been a very successful 12 months for the UTC.

“With our positive Ofsted inspection, the launch of our pioneering Engineering Scholarship Programme and the continued progress our students are making, we have made huge strides forward this academic year.

“What has been particularly pleasing is seeing how more people are looking to engage with the UTC. The number of business partners we are working with is expanding and we are seeing an increasing number of young people and their families looking at our school as a possible option for them.

“As a result, we are launching a consultation to explore accepting students from Year 9, not Year 10 as it currently stands.”

The move mirrors the changes being made by a number of successful UTCs across the country, who are all adapting their admissions arrangements to reflect changes in how qualifications are delivered and assessed.

The rationale for Engineering UTC North Lincolnshire accepting children a year earlier is:

  • We can better align our curriculum to other local schools – many who start their Key Stage 4/GCSE programme in Year 9.
  • At the moment children who join us in Year 10 have, therefore, already spent a year studying for GCSEs they may not want to sit. This is disruptive for the child and the school. It will also mean more parent choice when considering they are considering their child’s Options in Year 8.
  • Progress will improve by having the KS4 students with us for three years instead of two. It will also allow more time for the students to settle in and engage with extra-curricular and apprenticeship programmes we offer.
  • The new 1-9 GCSE specifications promote three years of study, rather than two, to improve outcomes for young people.

Mr Doyle added: “Changing our admissions arrangements is an important decision. It is not one we can make in isolation.

“We would welcome the thoughts of people from across our community, which is why we have created a booklet outlining in greater detail about why we are making this change and what it would mean.”

To read the booklet, please click here.

Interested parties are then asked to complete the online questionnaire to provide their feedback on the proposals. You can access the questionnaire by clicking here. Paper versions are available at the UTC’s reception.

Mr Doyle finished by saying: “This is a very exciting development for the UTC, and one that will help us to better respond to our students and our community.

“We look forward to hearing your feedback.”

To complete the consultation questionnaire, please click here.