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December 2018

Meet the Students – Isabella, Year 10 2> By | Students Say | No Comments

Meet Isabella, aged 14, one of our current year 10 students who talks about her experience studying at the Engineering UTC;

What are your hobbies and interests outside of school?

“At home I really enjoy reading, drawing and watching YouTube videos.”

What made you want to study at the UTC?

“I have always been interested in engineering as it is very mathematical, which is one of my favourite subjects. It was a very easy choice to come and study at the school as I know it would help me to progress further.”

What are your future plans and career goals?

“I am very interested in studying at University and then progressing onto a career in White Hat Hacking or Software Engineering.”

Is the UTC helping to prepare you for future employment?

“I feel that the UTC is helping as it is more like a business than the typical school. This makes it feel like they are more invested in helping us to get the career that we would like for the future whilst building up our employability skills.”

What inspires you?

“The two things that inspire me are my mum, as she is always there to help and to motivate me, and also my choice of job role as I know that I need to study hard in order to be successful.”

What is different at the UTC compared to other schools around the area?

“The UTC is different because we do not have a uniform, instead we wear business clothing to help us feel smart and professional. There is also much more respect between students and the staff members, as they all want you to do well and to feel confident as individuals.”

What is your favourite thing about the UTC?

“For me personally one of my favourite things is the fact that the subjects are maths-orientated, as this is one of my core strengths so it is helping to build up my knowledge and skill in this particular area.

I also really enjoying getting to know other individuals who have the same interests as myself.”

What do you think about the staff, facilities and connections with industry partners?

“The staff members at the UTC are really nice and respectful, they make us feel more like adults rather than school children. I also really like the facilities at the school as they reflect what it would be like in industry, meaning that I am confident in my skills and knowledge when applying for job roles.”

And finally, what advice would you give to potential students?

“If you are interested in STEM, then definitely come and have a look around the ENL UTC!”

To find out more about the opportunities available at the Engineering UTC Northern Lincolnshire, you can download our 2018/19 prospectus here. Or if you would like to fill out an application form for Year 9, 10 or 11 then please click here.

Meet the Students – Luke, Year 12 2> By | Students Say | No Comments

Meet Luke, aged 16, one of our current year 12 students who talks about his experience studying at the Engineering UTC. Luke is currently studying his Level 2.5 Engineering in Manufacturing and Design, a bridging course for his Level 3 next year;

What are your hobbies and interests outside of school?

“In my spare time I enjoy spending time with my friends, upcycling old furniture to sell on for a profit and helping my granddad to fix up old car engines.”

What made you want to study at the UTC?

“I originally heard about the UTC through a family friend who told me all about the school’s opportunities and industry partners. I was really interested from the start and wanted to know more.”

What are your future plans and career goals?

“I would like to eventually become the Managing Director of a manufacturing plant or a car manufacturer. This is because it is a highly skilled and fast-paced job role that requires leadership, communication, industry knowledge and much more! It would be great to eventually lead my own team to see the positive impacts that you can have. “

Is the UTC helping to prepare you for future employment?

“The staff members are incredibly supportive and are always there to help you with anything that you need. Most recently I have had support in writing my CV to prepare for future applications.”

What inspires you?

“My main motivation is that I want to eventually travel the world and to secure myself a good job with good money. To do this, I know that I need to work hard now in order to gain a successful career that I can build on.”

What is different at the UTC compared to other schools around the area?

“At the UTC we get treated like adults and not children. Staff members always speak to us with respect and in a calm manner which makes the environment more fun and comfortable. The school has definitely helped me to grow in confidence.”

What is your favourite thing about the UTC?

“My favourite things about the UTC are definitely the visits we have with our industry partners. One of my favourite trips out of school was to the car manufacturer, Land Rover Jaguar, as we got to look at the whole design and manufacturing process of the cars as well as doing an in-depth site tour of the facility.

I have also enjoyed our Lunch and Learn Sessions with industry partners, where we are able to meet experts within engineering roles – also we get free lunch!”

And finally, what advice would you give to potential students?

“If you really want a career within the engineering and technology industries and are passionate about developing your skills, then you will gain a lot from studying at the UTC!”

To find out more about the opportunities available at the Engineering UTC Northern Lincolnshire, you can download our 2018/19 prospectus here. Or if you would like to fill out an application form for Year 9, 10 or 11 then please click here.

Meet the Students – Harry, Year 10 2> By | Students Say | No Comments

Meet Harry, aged 14, one of our current year 10 students who talks about his experience studying at the Engineering UTC;

What are your hobbies and interests outside of school?

“I have a lot of hobbies outside of school as I like to keep myself busy and active. Some of my interests include writing, reading, watching films, origami, cooking, baking, going to the gym, archery, drawing and currently I am trying to learn another language!”

What made you want to study at the UTC?

“After doing some research about engineering careers, I came across the UTC and it seemed like the best place for me to attend. This is because it offers a clear focus on STEM-based activities with different teaching styles to other schools.”

What are your future plans and career goals?

“My goal is to work abroad in the renewable’s industry, ideally with wind turbines either on land or at sea, because this particular industry is going to be the future of energy that won’t harm the planet. Also, my dad works in this particular industry so it means that we are both very passionate about the environment.”

Is the UTC helping to prepare you for future employment?

“Whilst the UTC is helping me to understand the engineering and technology industries I would like a more focused view on the renewables industry as I know this is what I am passionate about. It is very interesting however, to learn about the different sides to engineering.”

What inspires you?

“What inspires me is my goal to help better the planet and to be able to provide for a future family with a steady but good income. I want to achieve as much as I can so I know that when I am older I am proud of what I have done.”

What is different at the UTC compared to other schools around the area?

“I’d say one of the biggest difference’s at this school compared to others is that there is mutual respect amongst both staff and students which makes people more ready to learn.”

What is your favourite thing about the UTC?

“I’d say one of my favourite things about the UTC so far is how many events I’ve been able to get involved in and how our student voice feels like it makes a difference.”

What do you think about the staff, facilities and connections with industry partners?

“I think that they are all amazing because they all try and give the best possible learning experience.”

And finally, what advice would you give to potential students?

“Come to the UTC if you’re interested in any kind of engineering and want a serious career in the future.”

To find out more about the opportunities available at the Engineering UTC Northern Lincolnshire, you can download our 2018/19 prospectus here. Or if you would like to fill out an application form for Year 9, 10 or 11 then please click here.

Meet the Students – Maddison, Year 10 2> By | Students Say | No Comments

Meet Maddison, aged 14, one of our current year 10 students who talks about her experience studying at the Engineering UTC;

What are your hobbies and interests outside of school?

“I am currently part of the air cadets, where I take part in range of different activities such as camping, Summer camps, rock climbing, canoeing and much more! I also like to regularly volunteer at my local church to help give back to the community.”

What made you want to study at the UTC?

“Because I’ve known for a while that I want a job in engineering and I knew that the UTC could offer me the qualifications that I need.”

What are your future plans and career goals?

“I would like to go into either Chemical or Aeronautical Engineering because I love chemistry and planes, so helps to combine my interests.”

What inspires you?

“My family are incredibly supportive and really want me to succeed, so constantly motivate me to be the best I can and to achieve everything that I want to achieve.”

What is different at the UTC compared to other schools around the area?

“The UTC provides you with many opportunities to experience the engineering and technology industries through mentoring sessions, site visits and more. They also let you work on real industry machinery to give you better knowledge.”

What is your favourite thing about the UTC?

“I really enjoy our engineering lessons, especially the ones with our senior lecturer Ian Bates as he has lots of experience to talk about and is always happy to help.

One of my favourite moments at the school so far has been our trip to the K-COM Stadium on Hull where we took part in challenges against other schools to show our entrepreneurial skills.”

What do you think about the staff, facilities and connections with industry partners?

“The staff are really supportive, the facilities are great and the connections with industry are really interesting because we actually get to meet experts who do the job roles we are interested in and provide us with loads of good advice.”

And finally, what advice would you give to potential students?

“Definitely come and look at the UTC to experience everything it has to offer!”

To find out more about the opportunities available at the Engineering UTC Northern Lincolnshire, you can download our 2018/19 prospectus here. Or if you would like to fill out an application form for Year 9, 10 or 11 then please click here.

Meet the Students – Josh, Year 12 2> By | Students Say | No Comments

Meet Josh, aged 16, one of our current year 12 students who talks about his experience studying at the Engineering UTC. Josh is currently studying for his Level 3 in Engineering, and is developing his EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) for Jaguar Land Rover design;

What made you want to study at the UTC?

“The reason why I decided to come to the UTC is because I know that I want a future career in engineering. Also, it is different to other schools around the area that gives you a lot of knowledge and experience into these specific industries.”

What are your future plans and career goals?

“My future goals are to go into the design sector of engineering i.e. drawing and CAD, as I am very confident in my skills of designing new things.”

Is the UTC helping to prepare you for future employment?

“Yes. The UTC is definitely helping me towards my future by helping me to gain experience through workshops and off-campus work experience.”

What inspires you?

“The people who inspire me the most are my teachers and my family, this is because they push me to do my best in any situation and I feel that this will help me in the future when I go into industry and start my career.”

What is different at the UTC compared to other schools around the area?

“The UTC definitely provides more in terms of experience into industry than other schools do around the area. They get you involved with industry experts that support your work all year round.”

What do you think about the staff, facilities and connections with industry partners?

“I think that the connections with staff at the UTC is really good as the staff are always there to help and advise you the best that they can. The connections with companies is really good as well because you get to see what real industry experts do and how they work on a day-to-day basis.”

And finally, what advice would you give to potential students?

“The advice I would give to students in the area is that if you really want to get into a STEM-based career then the UTC is the best place to start, as you get a lot of experience and the people at the school are polite which makes you enjoy your studies more.”

To find out more about the opportunities available at the Engineering UTC Northern Lincolnshire, you can download our 2018/19 prospectus here. Or if you would like to fill out an application form for Year 9, 10 or 11 then please click here.

Meet the Students – Leigh-J, Year 10 2> By | Students Say | No Comments

Meet Leigh-J, aged 14, one of our current year 10 students who talks about his experience studying at the Engineering UTC;

What are your hobbies and interests outside of school?

“Usually I like to spend time with with my friends or at home on the Xbox. Mainly I am interested in video games but I do also enjoy watching football and motorbike racing.”

What made you want to study at the UTC?

“I decided to study at the UTC as I knew it would be a great place to gain relevant engineering qualifications as well as helping me to be noticed with local companies. It also impressed me that the schools pass rate was 75%, with an aim to increase it to 80%, so I knew I would do well here.”

What are your future plans and career goals?

“In the future I would love to have an apprenticeship at a company such as Phillips 66 or Jacobs. This is because I find it easier to learn with hands-on activities and I know that they offer high-quality apprenticeships.”

Is the UTC helping to prepare you for future employment?

“The UTC is really helping me to prepare for future employment as we get given in-depth information regarding different career paths. Also people regularly come in from companies to help mentor us. This helps us to be noticed around companies for any future job opportunities.”

What inspires you?

“My family inspire me. Especially my step-dad as he has worked for both Phillips 66 and Jacobs, so has a lot of experience and knowledge into the industry.”

What is different at the UTC compared to other schools around the area?

“The main difference is that the UTC gives you an in-depth look into the engineering and technology industries whilst providing you with industry-standard machinery to work on and opportunities for work experience.”

What is your favourite thing about the UTC?

“My favourite thing about the UTC is being able to use the different types of machinery. On our last open evening I was able to demonstrate the CNC Lathe Machine for our visitors, and although I struggled to get the hang of it at first, by the end of the night I was really good at it!”

What do you think about the staff, facilities and connections with industry partners?

“The staff are really good here and the best part is that they treat you like adults and not children. One of our Seven Consistencies, is that nobody is allowed to shout at another person, which means that staff members always talk to us in a respectful manner.

The school facilities are really good and clean which makes the workshops safe and nice to study in.”

And finally, what advice would you give to potential students?

“The best thing to do is research what the school is about and if you are interested in engineering, you should definitely apply.”

To find out more about the opportunities available at the Engineering UTC Northern Lincolnshire, you can download our 2018/19 prospectus here. Or if you would like to fill out an application form for Year 9, 10 or 11 then please click here.

Meet the Students – Eleanor, Year 10 2> By | Students Say | No Comments

Meet Eleanor, aged 14, one of our current year 10 students who talks about her experience studying at the Engineering UTC;

What are your hobbies and interests outside of school?

“I am currently part of the sea cadets, where I take part in range of different activities from sailing, windsurfing and powerboating – to rock climbing, camping, music and much more!”

What made you want to study at the UTC?

“Because I’ve known for a while that I would like to be a Mechanical Engineer in the Royal Navy when I am older, and knew the UTC could offer me that head start.”

What are your future plans and career goals?

“I plan to go into the Royal Navy as my uncle is actually currently in it. I’ve always wanted to work with him in engineering and that inspires me.”

Is the UTC helping to prepare you for future employment?

“The UTCs focus on engineering will definitely help me gain the industry knowledge and skills for my future job role, but as the Royal Navy requires a high level of fitness, this is additional training that the school does not provide.”

What inspires you?

“People in my family motivate and inspire me the most because they always help me with what I need and support me throughout my training.”

What is different at the UTC compared to other schools around the area?

“My previous school was unable to provide the high level of engineering  and technology knowledge that I need to get into the Royal Navy, I knew the UTC could help me to reach my career goal.”

What is your favourite thing about the UTC?

“My favourite thing about the UTC is definitely the engineering lessons where we are able to work on machinery and projects that teach us new things.

I also love that the staff members take the time to help you fit into the school which makes it more enjoyable.”

What do you think about the staff, facilities and connections with industry partners?

“I think that the staff members are really nice and good because they will help you with anything that you need and will always listen.”

And finally, what advice would you give to potential students?

“Come to the UTC and get a whole new experience! If you like engineering as a subject then the UTC can provide you with really fun classes, with new machinery, tools and materials to use.

Also the teachers will welcome you and help with anything you need.”

To find out more about the opportunities available at the Engineering UTC Northern Lincolnshire, you can download our 2018/19 prospectus here. Or if you would like to fill out an application form for Year 9, 10 or 11 then please click here.

Meet the Students – Jordan, Year 11 2> By | Students Say | 2 Comments

Meet Jordan, aged 15, one of our current year 11 students who talks about his experience studying at the Engineering UTC;

What are your hobbies and interests outside of school?

“I am a huge football supporter and also love listening to music, especially when revising as it helps me to concentrate.”

What made you want to study at the UTC?

“I decided to continue with my education at the UTC after I saw an Open Evening advertised through the schools Facebook page. After attending the Open Event, I was very impressed with the equipment and the staff members, and instantly knew that the UTC was for me.”

What are your future plans and career goals?

“I am looking to become a Robotic engineer or a Mechanical Engineer at a company such as Phillips 66, as I have worked closely with them throughout my time at the UTC so they already know me very well.

Another plan would be to go into Electrical Engineering, as I have been learning these particular skill sets since I first started at the school, so am confident in my knowledge of this industry area.”

Is the UTC helping to prepare you for future employment?

“Yes, because the companies we work with visit the school regularly to set specific tasks that help us develop employability skills for the future.

The school also allow us to wear suits, rather than a uniform which helps us look and feel more professional so that when employers do meet us they know we are from a professional environment.”

What inspires you?

“My family inspire me because they always say that no matter what happens I will always have something to fall back on. This helps me to stay focused and to realise how lucky I am to be in a school such as the UTC.”

What is different at the UTC compared to other schools around the area?

“The curriculum for starters is different because we study engineering which other schools may not focus on as much. This specialism gains us an extra qualification over everybody else and is an added extra to place on our CV.

Also, we wear suits and not uniforms which allows us to feel more grown-up and a part of a professional environment and not just a school.”

What is your favourite thing about the UTC?

“Definitely the engineering because it allows me to learn things that I feel passionate about and that I never knew before.

A particular highlight for me during my time at the school is when we have worked with Hull University to develop our employability skills to help further prepare us for the future by building confidence.”

What do you think about the staff, facilities and connections with industry partners?

“I think that the staff are extremely respectful and the facilities are out of this world. Our schools connections with industry  is crazy because we are partnered with so many major companies that could offer an opportunity after school.”

And finally, what advice would you give to potential students?

“I would say that you should start at the UTC if you are interested in a STEM-based career because it offers more opportunities than other schools within the area.”

To find out more about the opportunities available at the Engineering UTC Northern Lincolnshire, you can download our 2018/19 prospectus here. Or if you would like to fill out an application form for Year 9, 10 or 11 then please click here.