Offering a unique STEM curriculum, The Engineering UTC (University Technical College) Northern Lincolnshire equips learners aged 13-19 with the skills they need to take their future workplace with the confidence, industry knowledge and experience required. Government funded, the ENL UTC offers a genuine alternative to the traditional education system that already exists by allowing students to have an active role in choosing their future. Below are ten things you need to know about the ENL UTC.
1- Specialist STEM Education
The ENL UTC is a specialist STEM school and college, providing a university and industry-led curriculum designed specifically to educate students who have a passion for Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics or Health and Social Care. The curriculum combines academic, technical and practical elements and will involve many aspects delivered by local industry partners alongside expert staff.
2- Academic Qualifications
ENL UTC students need to enjoy Maths, English and Sciences because they form such a large and important part of our curriculum and industry-based projects.
Students who study their GCSEs at the ENL UTC take all the Sciences, Maths, English Language, English Literature, Design and Technology and the choice of an Engineering or Health and Social Care Sciences route. There will also be the option to choose an additional subject alongside the core subjects.
Students who study their A Levels at the ENL UTC can choose between two STEM pathways. The one-year Apprenticeship Progression Pathway, in association with HETA, is ideal for individuals looking for a clear progression route to an apprenticeship, entry level employment or a Level 3 qualification. The two-year Level 3 Pathway, is designed for individuals looking for a broader understanding of engineering to help lead into employment, either directly or through an apprenticeship, or to form the basis of an application to a higher education course.
3- Industry-led Curriculum
The ENL UTC is proud to work alongside a wide variety of industry partners and universities who not only support and inspire our students to achieve their goals but also the UTCs unique STEM curriculum.
Throughout their time at the UTC, students have a multitude of opportunities to work on industry-led projects and challenges. By doing this, students will gain an understanding of the key employability skills, academic qualifications and technical knowledge their future employers are looking for.
4- Filling the STEM Skills Gap
The ENL UTC, has been established within the North Lincolnshire area to bridge the STEM skills gap. There is currently a lack of suitably qualified and skilled young individuals going into STEM careers, whether through apprenticeships or university degree courses.
We are proud to work closely with our colleagues at North Lincolnshire Council and the Local Enterprise Partnerships to ensure we are meeting the needs of businesses whilst preparing our young people for successful and sustainable destinations.
5- A Five-year Education
The ENL UTC offers a five-year education to urge students to be successful in their sixth form studies. Our sixth form works alongside many employers and universities to ensure successful and sustainable destinations.
A sixth form centre has been developed within the UTC building to offer students dedicated study and social spaces for their use, alongside of a careers and progression room. The sixth form curriculum offers distinct pathways: A Levels, Engineering diplomas or a combined route.
6- Extensive Learning Facilities
Based on Carlton Street, in the centre of Scunthorpe and close to both bus and train stations, the ENL UTCs £12m facility is a learning environment like no other in our region. Allowing students to experience the world of work first hand. With a range of workshop spaces, classrooms and labs, the UTC has been purpose built to help students maximise their potential through a range of resources found in industry.
7- The ENL UTC Day
The ENL UTC operates a longer school day which reflects the business approach at the heart of our ethos and supporting them in their next steps after education.
- Year 9 students start lessons at 8.40am Monday to Friday and finish at 2.40pm at the earliest</li
- Year 10 and 11 students start lessons at 8.40am Monday to Friday and finish at 3.40pm at the earliest
- Our exciting enrichment opportunities run until 3.40pm (year 9 students) and 4.30pm (year 10 and 11 students)
- All KS3 and KS4 students finish at 1.10pm on a Friday
- Sixth form students will have personal timetables that work across four days of studies. Helping to support alongside part time work.
8- Building Independence and Confidence
Students have dedicated ‘independent study’ time throughout the week instead of homework. This allows them to focus on additional studies, revision, research and/or projects within their timetabled lessons with a teacher always on hand, should they need it. With the ENL UTCs extensive workshops, labs and equipment’s it enables students to progress their studies and technical knowledge further.
There are no bells and all students are responsible for getting themselves to where they need to be throughout the day.
9- Enrichment Opportunities
All students will experience a multitude of enrichment and industry opportunities throughout the academic year. This will allow students to gain additional skills, awards, experiences and qualifications. Enrichment activities, which are timetabled as weekly lessons, can include: employer-led projects, Formula 24, Young Enterprise, robotics, sports club, woodwork and much more. Sixth form students also have access to a wide range of training, mentoring and enrichment activities.
10- Our Way
The ENL UTC offers a professional and mature learning environment that reflects the working world. Whilst we have clear boundaries and routine, students are treated like young adults, call teachers by their first name and wear a business dress code as opposed to a school uniform. All students demonstrate positive behaviours, values and principles that show they are going above and beyond to support our school, their futures and each other. Students are expected to have excellent attendance and punctuality in order to be involved in, and to complete, a large number of industry-based projects.
If you wish to find out more or have any further questions not answered in the above, please call us on 01724 878100 or email us on info@enlutc.co.uk to arrange an appointment with our friendly staff.
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