We are professional, responsible and loyal.
At the heart of our behaviour policy is the view that relationships matter. Whilst we have clear boundaries and routine, we focus on the positive behaviour – the things that show we are going above and beyond to support our school, our futures and each other. These behaviours, values and principles are shared with our industry partners to best prepare our students for their future careers.

To excel and be the first in the queue for the best opportunities, we encourage students to display business
behaviours. For example, we shake hands at the door, we dress smartly, we are punctual, we are ready to
learn and we are always appropriate in actions and words. It takes seven seconds to form a first opinion:
we want our students to make sure the impression they make is positive and lasting.

At ENL UTC, we encourage students to take responsibility for themselves and their learning. Through
restorative conversations, we encourage students to consider the impact of their actions and ways to
resolve this long term. We also work with students to support them in taking control – not only of their
behaviour, but their futures, which is key to employability.

At the heart of all we do is the belief that we are all members of the same team. Every student and staff
member is supported and encouraged to achieve their best. We have 100% positive regard for each other and work together to make the ENL UTC the best place on Earth to work and study!
Co-regulation leads to self-regulation.
To achieve our way, we reinforce the values through clear routines and consistent boundaries. We celebrate regularly and give praise to those who go above and beyond in being professional, responsible and loyal. If things go wrong, we support students in understanding how to make it right as we firmly believe co-regulation of students’ behaviour will eventually lead to self-regulation. We make all decisions in the best interests of our students, not relying on punishment, but on how to educate the student and fundamentally change his/her behaviour. However, alongside this, we believe in celebrating our culture, value and vision and, most importantly, we share our values and principles with our business partners and use them to prepare students for their future outside of the ENL UTC.
For our full Behaviour and Rewards Policy, please follow the link below.