Attendance counts: Ready today, employed tomorrow!

Consistent attendance is arguably the most critical factor in preparing students for future success in the workplace. Missing just one day of school can result in at least two days of lost progress, impacting their readiness for professional environments. We urge all parents to ensure that their children attend school every day unless there is a valid reason for absence, such as being too ill to attend, needing to attend an essential medical appointment, or facing unforeseen circumstances. Regular attendance helps instil discipline and a strong work ethic, both of which are essential in the world of work. By law, parents are responsible for ensuring that:

· Their children receive a full-time education

· Their children attend school regularly, fostering habits that will serve them well in their careers.

Reporting Absence

To help prepare students for the professional world, it is important that if a child is too ill to attend school, parents or carers contact us as soon as possible by: Telephone: 01724 878100 Email: Please ensure you contact us each day that your child is absent. When reporting an absence, please provide the following information:

· Your child’s name

· The reason for their absence

· When they are expected to return to school

Attendance Team

Mr. R. Endicott Assistant Principal

Mrs. M. Foxton Attendance Officer