The UTC marked British Science Week on June 29th with a series of activities integrating science, technology, maths and engineering. British Science Week, run by British Science Association, is a celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths with events across the UK for all ages. It’s a great platform for schools to utilise to encourage students to participate in STEM subjects through engaging events and activities.
The first activity was Gyrocopters, a science based activity based around sycamore seeds in which students made paper helicopter versions and collected data to make predictions. In the Robofootball activity Year 12 and 13 students played cube ball with four robots and there were a few larger robots for students to tinker with. For the Paper-Air-Rockets activity students used a compressed air launch tube to make paper rockets and launch them.
Students and teachers alike enjoyed the activities. The students found it a fun way to approach their subjects and apply the theory and practical work they have been learning, building on the UTC’s commitment to providing a hands on learning experience.