
Students Say

Y9 Step into the NHS competition – Student blog 2> By | Student Blog, Students Say | No Comments

Today in my health science lesson at UTC we did another day of working on our NHS project. Me and my classmates have separated into groups to focus on a career in the NHS. Here is a list of what groups are doing what…

Abbie – paramedic-single entry

Lacey, Ewa, Zuzanna, Kinga – neuro surgeon- group of 4 entry

Loretta, Macy-Grace – Children’s well-being practitioner – duo entry Sophie – neuro surgeon – single entry

Alisha – medical secretary – single entry

Ruby – paramedic – single entry

Elsie – A&E doctor – single entry

Megan, Ellie, Gabby, Ollie – psychiatrist – group of four entry

Lily, Kai – phlebotomist – duo entry

Maisie, Ellie, Halle – counsellor – trio entry

Anabelle, Mercedes – Adolescence counsellor

We have decided to do this project because we would like people to be aware of all the different jobs in the NHS and encourage them to choose a job within the NHS as a future career . When you think of the NHS you might think of A&E and doctors and nurses when in reality there are hundreds of different jobs which means there’s a job for everyone no matter what your interests are and what you aspire to do! I mean how amazing is that! In this project there are plenty of different ways to express your chosen career including animation, PowerPoints, leaflets, crafts and many more. Previously one of our year 9 students Nicole won the regional award for the Humber and Yorkshire region with the NHS monopoly board she created. In our class we have a mix of all diverse groups, careers, and ways to enter. This project has pulled people closer together. Many students have worked with people they have not ever spoken to before and this is really improving their teamwork skills.


Anabelle Yr. 9 said ‘I loved been able to express my creativity in a way where I can also research future careers I am interested in. Also, I really loved been able to do this full thing with my best friend’.


Kai Yr. 9 said ‘I have really enjoyed researching phlebotomy, I now know it is the study of blood! I didn’t even know this career existed!’


Ruby Yr.9 said ‘Learning about the NHS whilst being able to show my creative side has turned out to be so fun! I now can’t decide if I would like to be a paramedic or midwife’.


Hopefully, one of our groups will win this year, and I am confident we will with all the unique ideas people have produced. Good luck to everyone entering!


Written by Mercedes – Year 9 Health Sciences Student


You can read more about the Students designing journey on our Youtube channel via the link here!

Alumni – Aaron Hopkins 2> By | Latest news, Students Say | No Comments

Meet Aaron, who after leaving the ENL UTC sixth form in summer 2019 has gone on to secure a Support Engineer Apprenticeship with Cloud Design Box.

“I started at the ENL UTC in September 2015 when it was known as Humber UTC, and I left in Summer 2019 after completing my post-16 studies. I joined the ENL UTC because it was more specialised in fields of industry that I was interested in than my previous school, these being Computer Science, Engineering and Physics. While I knew that I wanted to become a software engineer, I decided to study engineering as a fall-back plan.”

How did the ENL UTC help to prepare you for your current job role?

“The knowledge I developed of computer science and of various aspects engineering such as design & electronics helped me secure a place on Hull University’s computer science degree. This degree and the connections I made at ENL UTC is what helped me join Cloud Design Box. The sixth form studies and teachers taught me a great deal about the various areas of engineering and helped me remain motivated when it came to the practical elements of the studies.

Furthermore, when my sixth form computer science teacher left halfway through Year 12, ENL UTC arranged for me to study at UTC Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park which specialised in computer science studies. This not only helped me in my studies, but it also helped me perceive my engineering coursework differently always wondering, “How could I design software to automate these calculations?”

What are you favourite memories of the ENL UTC?

“One of my favourite memories was the CAD, design and electronics lessons with Rob, Ian, and Claire. The lessons they all taught were the areas of engineering that I was most interested in, and the lessons were very interactive so overall they were very enjoyable. I was able to apply the skills I learned in those lessons when I became part of Hull University’s robotics society to design, 3D print and program various robots from small battle bots to a motorized dalek.

Another favourite memory was the open days/evenings where I was able to show to prospective students, various pieces of software I had developed. One piece of software was a virtual racetrack that would use real-time data from the car to help make a copy of the car for people to test drive at home. The software was an extension of an assignment, where I had to design a new part for a kit car.”

What is your full job title?

“My full job title is Support Engineer Apprentice with Cloud Design Box. I’m based in our Hull office where I remotely install and support CDB’s range of SharePoint MIS integration products into schools. The main products I work with are CDB’s range of integration products, linking a school’s MIS to SharePoint and Office 365. My apprenticeship helps develop the customer service skills that I will need when I become a full-time software engineer.

“My advice is if you want a career in engineering whether that be software based or something practical based and you’re willing to work for it. ENL UTC is the best place to start!”

Meet the Students – Beth, Year 12 2> By | Latest news, Students Say | No Comments

Meet Beth!

Beth joined us in year 9 but decided to leave after year 11. Fortunately for us, Beth realised she had UTC running through her veins and re-joined in September 2023.

‘With Engineering UTC Sixth Form being a lot smaller than other colleges in the area, we’re all such a close family. Everyone gets along really well.

The whole UTC team are there for one another. If I’m having an off day, someone will notice and come and talk to me.

It’s a really relaxed and personal environment which I love.

The lessons are really enjoyable. Teachers take their time and help me process what I’m doing.

If you don’t understand something, just ask! The team will put all their spare time and effort into helping you achieve your goals.’

Alumni – Kelven Blake 2> By | Latest news, Students Say | No Comments

Meet Kelven who joined Engineering UTC in Year 10 and gained an apprenticeship with Two Sisters as a Multi-Skilled Engineer. Kelven came into talk to us in September 2023 to let us know how he was getting on.

‘Joining ENL UTC definitely helped me secure my Apprenticeship. I had so much background knowledge in the industry from studying at the UTC.

I found the UTC different to mainstream school. It was easier to learn and I received more help, especially in careers.

If you’re thinking of applying, go for it! Think about what you want to do after school and go from there. I always felt supported.

Remember to be resilient. Give it time and you’ll get there’.

Alumni – Matthew Boden 2> By | Students Say | No Comments

Meet Matthew, who after leaving the ENL UTC sixth form in summer 2018 has gone on to secure a Mechanical Technician apprenticeship with industry partner Tronox;

“I started at the ENL UTC in September 2016 and left in summer 2018 after completing my post-16 studies with a D, D* in Engineering and an A in Quantitative Reasoning. I chose the ENL UTC as I wanted to gain as much experience in industry as I could and I knew the college had lots of local links.”

How did the ENL UTC help to prepare you for your current job role?

“As the ENL UTC held so many events it gave me the opportunity to speak with potential employers on a regular basis whilst taking part in many realistic industry projects that allowed me to visit different manufacturing sites. This introduced me to my future employer Tronox, as I worked with them on projects throughout my time at the ENL UTC and was able to show them my passion and drive even before leaving education.”

What were your favourite subjects?

“Another reason I chose the ENL UTC was because of the wide variety of topics the college covers. I really enjoyed the practical side to everything as it helped me to get a feel for the branch of engineering I wanted to be apart of. I enjoyed the Quantitative Reasoning lessons too, as it let me expand further on mathematical problems.”

How would you explain your current job role?

“As an apprentice, I mostly work in the maintenance workshop understanding the day-to-day running of the company and how the plant is maintained. The variety of my job role is huge and I love it because I’m never stuck on the same task! One week I could be part of a team taking out a vessel and the next doing pump and valve changes.”

What are your future career plans?

“I hope to continue gaining lots of experience in industry, taking on as many new opportunities as I can.”

“At the ENL UTC, you’ll get as much out as you put in. Give it all you’ve got from the start and take every chance you can as you won’t stop learning. Never be afraid to as as the team will always be willing to help.”

Meet our Alumni - Oliver

Alumni – Oliver Beck 2> By | Students Say | No Comments

Meet Oliver, who after leaving the ENL UTC sixth form in summer 2019 has gone on to secure a Trainee Designer Engineer role with Trepko, whilst studying towards a level 4 degree apprenticeship at Sheffield Hallam;

“I started at the ENL UTC in September 2017 and left in Summer 2019 after completing my post-16 studies. I originally joined the ENL UTC because I knew I wanted a career in engineering but had no idea of what area and pathway to pursue. For me, coming to the UTC’s sixth form helped to broaden my knowledge about different aspects of engineering whilst figuring out the kind of engineer I wanted to be.”

How did the ENL UTC help to prepare you for your current job role?

“My knowledge of CAD and design leaving the ENL UTC, really helped to give me a head start when I first joined Trepko, as I was one of the only applicants who had this level of experience. I think the sixth form studies and teachers really taught me a lot and helped me to move forward in a career I wanted, as I had the confidence that no one else wanted it more than me.”

What are you favourite memories of the ENL UTC?

“Two of my engineering teachers Ian and Rob, ultimately inspired me to want to become a design engineer. Those two were fantastic combination for me. I remember my first lesson with Ian, I was immediately captivated with everything design and knew I was going to be great at it!”

What is your full job title?

“My full job title is Trainee Design Engineer with Trepko. I am based in the design office where I work on numerous projects for large food companies that require packaging. My Level 4 degree apprenticeship at Sheffield Hallam, allows me to have a hands-on way of gaining a university qualification whilst further developing my skills.”

“My advice would be that if you’re wanting a career in engineering, you’re willing to work for it and have both the people and academic skills, then there is literally no other choice but to study at the ENL UTC!”

Dylan - ROK Superfinal

Dylan – ROK Cup Superfinal 2> By | Students Say | No Comments

At the Engineering UTC Northern Lincolnshire, relationships matter. From celebrating regularly and praising positive behaviours, to encouraging skills and supporting each other, it’s what makes us professional, responsible and loyal and helps to prepare our young people for their futures.

Supporting student’s skills and interest’s means that we love hearing what they get up to outside of school and how they apply their knowledge into real world scenarios. For year 10 student Dylan, it’s his love of karting that inspires his passion for engineering.

Racing since the age of eight, Dylan has regularly competed in the British Karting Championships and worked hard to progress. After taking a year out, Dylan and his family put together a package to help him get back onto the circuit and through his hard work, determination and focus, came in 2nd place at the British ROK Championship, progressing onto the ROK Cup Superfinal, in Italy!

Not only do Dylan and his family commit time and money into competing but they also continuously develop their engineering skills to help fix and update their Go Kart, to ensure the best possible performance. Dylan’s dad has said

“Through this I have seen his passion for engineering grow. He loves to get his hands dirty and is always looking to understand not only his engine but also the setup of the go kart to maximise his chances of winning. One thing I said to Dylan before we went to the world final is that out of all the 500 competitors I bet that there is only one that has built his own engine and understands it, and that is something to be proud of whatever the result was going to be.”

What is the ROK Cup Superfinal?

It is a chance for all Rokker drivers from around the world to compete in a series of racing events across a week, assigning the title of the ROK absolute champions. This year the ROK Superfinal, saw 419 drives, 7 categories, 5 continents and 49 countries represent! You can find out more about the event by clicking on the button below.

During his time in Italy, Dylan placed in 7th position during the pre-qualifying practice and went from 36th to 14th in just one race! Extremely impressive to say that he experienced an accident in one race and a broken fuel pipe in another. Perfectly showcasing Dylan’s, capability and determination to be able to compete at world level.

We are so proud to hear of Dylan’s passion for karting and to be playing a small role in helping to develop his skill set further. It goes to show how far you can go with the right STEM skills!

“I am very grateful for the fact that Dylan attending the UTC has brought out a young man that is now more focused and who loves going to school to learn about different engineering techniques. The concept of the school has ignited a passion in Dylan which I hope can develop him going forward to one day make a very good engineer.”

We look forward to supporting Dylan’s career and helping him to progress even further through our extensive and exciting curriculum. If you are a local business wanting to help support and sponsor a young individual racing on the world stage, please contact us by following the link below.

Meet the Students – Isabella, Year 10 2> By | Students Say | No Comments

Meet Isabella, aged 14, one of our current year 10 students who talks about her experience studying at the Engineering UTC;

What are your hobbies and interests outside of school?

“At home I really enjoy reading, drawing and watching YouTube videos.”

What made you want to study at the UTC?

“I have always been interested in engineering as it is very mathematical, which is one of my favourite subjects. It was a very easy choice to come and study at the school as I know it would help me to progress further.”

What are your future plans and career goals?

“I am very interested in studying at University and then progressing onto a career in White Hat Hacking or Software Engineering.”

Is the UTC helping to prepare you for future employment?

“I feel that the UTC is helping as it is more like a business than the typical school. This makes it feel like they are more invested in helping us to get the career that we would like for the future whilst building up our employability skills.”

What inspires you?

“The two things that inspire me are my mum, as she is always there to help and to motivate me, and also my choice of job role as I know that I need to study hard in order to be successful.”

What is different at the UTC compared to other schools around the area?

“The UTC is different because we do not have a uniform, instead we wear business clothing to help us feel smart and professional. There is also much more respect between students and the staff members, as they all want you to do well and to feel confident as individuals.”

What is your favourite thing about the UTC?

“For me personally one of my favourite things is the fact that the subjects are maths-orientated, as this is one of my core strengths so it is helping to build up my knowledge and skill in this particular area.

I also really enjoying getting to know other individuals who have the same interests as myself.”

What do you think about the staff, facilities and connections with industry partners?

“The staff members at the UTC are really nice and respectful, they make us feel more like adults rather than school children. I also really like the facilities at the school as they reflect what it would be like in industry, meaning that I am confident in my skills and knowledge when applying for job roles.”

And finally, what advice would you give to potential students?

“If you are interested in STEM, then definitely come and have a look around the ENL UTC!”

To find out more about the opportunities available at the Engineering UTC Northern Lincolnshire, you can download our 2018/19 prospectus here. Or if you would like to fill out an application form for Year 9, 10 or 11 then please click here.

Meet the Students – Luke, Year 12 2> By | Students Say | No Comments

Meet Luke, aged 16, one of our current year 12 students who talks about his experience studying at the Engineering UTC. Luke is currently studying his Level 2.5 Engineering in Manufacturing and Design, a bridging course for his Level 3 next year;

What are your hobbies and interests outside of school?

“In my spare time I enjoy spending time with my friends, upcycling old furniture to sell on for a profit and helping my granddad to fix up old car engines.”

What made you want to study at the UTC?

“I originally heard about the UTC through a family friend who told me all about the school’s opportunities and industry partners. I was really interested from the start and wanted to know more.”

What are your future plans and career goals?

“I would like to eventually become the Managing Director of a manufacturing plant or a car manufacturer. This is because it is a highly skilled and fast-paced job role that requires leadership, communication, industry knowledge and much more! It would be great to eventually lead my own team to see the positive impacts that you can have. “

Is the UTC helping to prepare you for future employment?

“The staff members are incredibly supportive and are always there to help you with anything that you need. Most recently I have had support in writing my CV to prepare for future applications.”

What inspires you?

“My main motivation is that I want to eventually travel the world and to secure myself a good job with good money. To do this, I know that I need to work hard now in order to gain a successful career that I can build on.”

What is different at the UTC compared to other schools around the area?

“At the UTC we get treated like adults and not children. Staff members always speak to us with respect and in a calm manner which makes the environment more fun and comfortable. The school has definitely helped me to grow in confidence.”

What is your favourite thing about the UTC?

“My favourite things about the UTC are definitely the visits we have with our industry partners. One of my favourite trips out of school was to the car manufacturer, Land Rover Jaguar, as we got to look at the whole design and manufacturing process of the cars as well as doing an in-depth site tour of the facility.

I have also enjoyed our Lunch and Learn Sessions with industry partners, where we are able to meet experts within engineering roles – also we get free lunch!”

And finally, what advice would you give to potential students?

“If you really want a career within the engineering and technology industries and are passionate about developing your skills, then you will gain a lot from studying at the UTC!”

To find out more about the opportunities available at the Engineering UTC Northern Lincolnshire, you can download our 2018/19 prospectus here. Or if you would like to fill out an application form for Year 9, 10 or 11 then please click here.

Meet the Students – Harry, Year 10 2> By | Students Say | No Comments

Meet Harry, aged 14, one of our current year 10 students who talks about his experience studying at the Engineering UTC;

What are your hobbies and interests outside of school?

“I have a lot of hobbies outside of school as I like to keep myself busy and active. Some of my interests include writing, reading, watching films, origami, cooking, baking, going to the gym, archery, drawing and currently I am trying to learn another language!”

What made you want to study at the UTC?

“After doing some research about engineering careers, I came across the UTC and it seemed like the best place for me to attend. This is because it offers a clear focus on STEM-based activities with different teaching styles to other schools.”

What are your future plans and career goals?

“My goal is to work abroad in the renewable’s industry, ideally with wind turbines either on land or at sea, because this particular industry is going to be the future of energy that won’t harm the planet. Also, my dad works in this particular industry so it means that we are both very passionate about the environment.”

Is the UTC helping to prepare you for future employment?

“Whilst the UTC is helping me to understand the engineering and technology industries I would like a more focused view on the renewables industry as I know this is what I am passionate about. It is very interesting however, to learn about the different sides to engineering.”

What inspires you?

“What inspires me is my goal to help better the planet and to be able to provide for a future family with a steady but good income. I want to achieve as much as I can so I know that when I am older I am proud of what I have done.”

What is different at the UTC compared to other schools around the area?

“I’d say one of the biggest difference’s at this school compared to others is that there is mutual respect amongst both staff and students which makes people more ready to learn.”

What is your favourite thing about the UTC?

“I’d say one of my favourite things about the UTC so far is how many events I’ve been able to get involved in and how our student voice feels like it makes a difference.”

What do you think about the staff, facilities and connections with industry partners?

“I think that they are all amazing because they all try and give the best possible learning experience.”

And finally, what advice would you give to potential students?

“Come to the UTC if you’re interested in any kind of engineering and want a serious career in the future.”

To find out more about the opportunities available at the Engineering UTC Northern Lincolnshire, you can download our 2018/19 prospectus here. Or if you would like to fill out an application form for Year 9, 10 or 11 then please click here.