Commonly asked questions.
Do you have any other questions not listed below? Please contact our dedicated team.
What is a UTC (University Technical College)?
University Technical Colleges are a new concept in education. They offer young individuals the opportunity to take a highly regarded, technically-oriented course of study alongside academic qualifications. They are equipped with industry-standard equipment, sponsored by local businesses and a university, and offer clear progression routes into higher education or further learning in work.
The Engineering UTC Northern Lincolnshire, is currently one of around 48 UTCs across the country, government-funded to provide young people with a high-quality education that closes skills gaps and provides a credible technical pathway.
Find out more at
What are the advantages of the ENL UTC compared to my childs current school?
UTC’s provide a unique opportunity for students to study a challenging curriculum that combines practical, academic and technical learning. Providing young individuals with sought after skills employers are looking for in their future workforc. Preparing them for life beyond education.
Studying in a top quality facility that reflects the workplace, with teachers who have practical industry experience and with regular input from local employers and universities, is invaluable in preparing young individuals for their dream job.
Choosing a specialist school and college, like the ENL UTC, will not limit students options in the future.
Is 13 too young for my child to be moving schools?
You’re never too young to kick start your future! ENL UTC students receive a broad education including English, Maths and Sciences combined with both practical and technical skillsets that are recognised by employers and universities. The skills they learn and the qualifications they receive are transferable to other post-16 provisions and will not limit their future options.
Why are industry partners involved with the school?
There are many employers within the Humber region, who are continuously searching for skilled individuals to fill their future job roles and the STEM skills gap. Industry partners collaborate with the ENL UTC to ensure the next generation has the expertise, employability skills and knowledge required to meet future business and industry needs.
They influence students, from beginning to end, to help shape relevant skillsets, industry knowledge and the passion for their dream careers.
Industry partners also work closely with staff to create student projects that focus on real-world industry challenges, offer access to their facilities for hands-on learning sessions in real working environments, mentor students with careers sessions and advice, sponsor UTC uniform, rooms and equipment, and more!
Do students have to wear uniform?
UTC’s are an educational environment that emulates the environment typically found with modern industry. Both students and staff dress in business wear as opposed to a school uniform or casual clothing, to create a setting that strikes a balance between individual choice and the need to maintain high standards.
For more information on this please click here.
Do students have homework?
In general, students are not required to work outside of the normal ENL UTC hours as there will be time within the school day to undertake the personal study required. Students will be able to access their learning online outside these hours, although we think it is important that young people have time to pursue leisure and social interests alongside their studies. However, home revision when it comes to exam season is crucial.
If you already have additional support in place at school, would this continue at the ENL UTC?
The ENL UTC employ staff who specialise in providing support to students with special needs and the building has been designed to provide access for all. Please speak to the schools SENDCo Officer about any additional needs your child may have.
Is the UTC selective based on ability or background?
No. UTC’s are non-selective educational providers, which means all applicants will be considered fairly through a transparent process. Students should have a genuine interest in the curriculum on offer and an aptitude for technical and academic modes of study.
To view our application process please click here.
Does the ENL UTC offer support with transport and travel?
Whilst the ENL UTC does not currently have independent transport arrangements, the building is based in the centre of Scunthorpe, a short walking distance from both the main bus and train stations. Our expert team are able to advise on all transport and travel arrangements, offering support where possible.
How can I apply to the ENL UTC?
You can apply for year 9 and year 12 by using our online application forms which can be found here.
If you would like to find out more about life at the ENL UTC, please contact or call 01724 878100 to arrange a personal tour of the school facilities.