Today in my health science lesson at UTC we did another day of working on our NHS project. Me and my classmates have separated into groups to focus on a career in the NHS. Here is a list of what groups are doing what…
Abbie – paramedic-single entry
Lacey, Ewa, Zuzanna, Kinga – neuro surgeon- group of 4 entry
Loretta, Macy-Grace – Children’s well-being practitioner – duo entry Sophie – neuro surgeon – single entry
Alisha – medical secretary – single entry
Ruby – paramedic – single entry
Elsie – A&E doctor – single entry
Megan, Ellie, Gabby, Ollie – psychiatrist – group of four entry
Lily, Kai – phlebotomist – duo entry
Maisie, Ellie, Halle – counsellor – trio entry
Anabelle, Mercedes – Adolescence counsellor
We have decided to do this project because we would like people to be aware of all the different jobs in the NHS and encourage them to choose a job within the NHS as a future career . When you think of the NHS you might think of A&E and doctors and nurses when in reality there are hundreds of different jobs which means there’s a job for everyone no matter what your interests are and what you aspire to do! I mean how amazing is that! In this project there are plenty of different ways to express your chosen career including animation, PowerPoints, leaflets, crafts and many more. Previously one of our year 9 students Nicole won the regional award for the Humber and Yorkshire region with the NHS monopoly board she created. In our class we have a mix of all diverse groups, careers, and ways to enter. This project has pulled people closer together. Many students have worked with people they have not ever spoken to before and this is really improving their teamwork skills.
Anabelle Yr. 9 said ‘I loved been able to express my creativity in a way where I can also research future careers I am interested in. Also, I really loved been able to do this full thing with my best friend’.
Kai Yr. 9 said ‘I have really enjoyed researching phlebotomy, I now know it is the study of blood! I didn’t even know this career existed!’
Ruby Yr.9 said ‘Learning about the NHS whilst being able to show my creative side has turned out to be so fun! I now can’t decide if I would like to be a paramedic or midwife’.
Hopefully, one of our groups will win this year, and I am confident we will with all the unique ideas people have produced. Good luck to everyone entering!
Written by Mercedes – Year 9 Health Sciences Student
You can read more about the Students designing journey on our Youtube channel via the link here!