You might’ve seen that we’ve changed our name from Humber UTC to Engineering UTC Northern Lincolnshire. We’re still based in the same place, and we’ll continue to deliver specialist academic and technical training for 14-19 year olds, we’ve just refreshed our focus – and here’s why.
Starting with the name, we wanted to broaden our scope beyond the Humber, and better communicate exactly what it is that we’re working to do to do – deliver young engineers into industry in Northern Lincolnshire.
Next, our new logo and branding has been designed to reflect our focus on clean, modern technology, and move away from the preconceptions of engineering as a dirty-hands profession.
Driven by student feedback and our Principal Marc Doyle, the rebrand is just the final step in a transition that in reality started at the beginning of the 2017/18 academic year.
Since September, we’ve introduced a new team with backgrounds in industry, our employer partners have become more actively engaged, and we’ve created the Student Leadership team to make sure our students can always make their voice heard.
Look out for our next open evening to see it for yourself!
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