ENL UTC Health Science students were very kindly invited to the Care Plus Group Annual Members Meeting 2022. 8 of our students together with 2 members of staff took the journey from Engineering UTC Northern Lincolnshire and headed to Grimsby Auditorium for this event. Students had the opportunity to attend a working lunch kindly provided by the team at Navigo, take a tour of the marketplace where multiple departments from within Care Plus Group had set up informative stands on their specific area. This meant our students had an amazing opportunity to speak with key workers from various different job roles who shared with them their knowledge, experience and skills required to progress into their career pathways.
As the day went on, ENL UTC students took their seats for the afternoon awards ceremony and had even been given the very important job earlier in the day of visiting every stand in the market place to crown the best stand of 2022! Alysha & Nicole took to the stage to announce the winner live in front of a very busy crowd. Our Health Science students then had an incredible afternoon listening to the key speaker in awe, Dany Cotton – Previous Commissioner of the London Fire Brigade and the first female to hold the position.
Our students listened to Dany’s tales of her life, career and challenges she has faced throughout. Dany provided invaluable advise to our students who are at the start of their pathway and encouraged them to never give up, despite the challenged they may come across.
We would like to say a huge thank you to Care Plus Group, who provided our students with this amazing opportunity to network and learn more about what the different sectors of health care can look like. Our students were treated like VIP’s from the second they arrived and all left the AMM feeling not only full of knowledge and new information, but hugely inspired to push forward into their exciting pathways.
If you would like to find out more about Care Plus Group and what they do, you can visit their website here.
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