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STEM Lockdown Challenge 2> By | Latest news | No Comments

During the period of school closure, the ENL UTC are running a number of challenges for our students to get involved in. These STEM-based challenges, sponsored by our wonderful industry partner Phillips 66, allow our students to be creative whilst keeping them inspired and motivated.

Our first challenge asked our students to construct/make something during this time to showcase their skillset and engineering knowledge. Whether it be fixing something around the house for the family, constructing something they had always wanted to build or experimenting with a new idea: there is no better time to put our STEM skills to the test!

To take part, students were asked to send in a photo of their creation along with a brief description. We received some incredible entries and are so proud of what our students have achieved whilst at home.

Well done to everybody who took part! Prizes will be announced shortly.

Ryan E - STEM Lockdown Entry

1st Place = Ryan E

Year 9 student Ryan, sent in a fantastic entry showcasing the work he identified and completed on his race kart.

Replacing the broken rear bumper, removing old tyres and cleaning the carburettor whilst using a variety of engineering techniques and tools means his kart is now ready for the next practise season.

Aiden H STEM Lockdown Entry

2nd Place = Aiden H

Year 11 student Aiden, has been using in time in lockdown to help build and construct garden furniture.

Building both a custom garden corner sofa along with a door canopy, Aiden used a variety of techniques and really put his STEM skills to the test.

Sonny M STEM Lockdown Entry

3rd Place = Sonny M

One of our new year 9 students Sonny, even got involved in the challenge by sending in a fantastic video of a coil unwinding machine.

Along with other projects Sonny has worked on at home, his coil unwinding machine was made from repurposed materials. Using an old cordless drill and a 9-volt battery, Sonny was able to unwind the coil ready for a future project. You can see more of his brilliant creations on his YouTube channel!

Runners Up = Nathan G, Thomas C and Isabella M

As we received so many fantastic entries, it was hard to whittle it down to just three!

    • Nathan G- One of our year 10 students spent his Easter break making bird boxes for his family. Using a hand saw, circular saw, hand drill and drill piece to create the wooden boxes, it is great to see Nathan taking his engineering skills and knowledge outside of our workshops.
    • Thomas C- One of our year 9 students has been very busy during lockdown, making wooden decorative pieces and a 6ft fence for his home! A great way to put his design skills to the test.
    • Isabella M- One of our current year 11 students has created her very own gameboy at home! Having researched into how to make her own handheld games console, Isabella was able to order components online before soldering them onto a circuit.
Mar/Apr Roundup Header

Mar/Apr 20 Roundup 2> By | Latest news | No Comments

Welcome to our March and April Half Term Roundup, taking a look at our spring term and life at the ENL UTC. 

Whilst many conversations and news bulletins may feel overwhelmed with news of Covid-19, our interactive newsletter has been designed to highlight the positive stories, projects, trips and work here at the Engineering UTC Northern Lincolnshire. From supporting key workers and the WiME event, to mental health champions and our awards assembly.

To read our roundup, please follow the link below. 

Changes to our Leadership 2> By | Latest news | No Comments

After a successful start to another academic year following the introduction of our first year 9 cohort, the ENL UTC are happy to announce recent changes to our leadership team, to help continue delivering a high-quality, STEM education for 13-19 year olds around the region.

Both Anesta McCullagh, acting principal and Jennifer Vincent, director of employer engagement, have joined our team bringing with them over 37 years of experience in both education, and employment and skills.

After 16 years in education and a further 10 as a senior leader, Anesta has a wealth of experience working in large secondary schools delivering outcomes for students above the national averages. Since joining the ENL UTC, Anesta has been continuing to expand on the exciting work left by her predecessor Mr Marc Doyle, by inspiring our students through a unique curriculum designed specifically to get them into their chosen career path. Anesta said

“I look forward to continuing the excellent curriculum designed and delivered not just by teachers but by industry partners, using real-life engineering projects to further deliver our specialisms. With industry stating that job openings in engineering roles will represent 17.1% of all vacancies (2.5 million), with just under 10% of these expected to be from expansion demand; it provides our students with an incredible array of career opportunities to work towards.”

With around 25 years of working in employability and skills, experience of working across education in both governor and director roles and most recently, working for The Humber Local Enterprise Partnership to help support businesses to work in schools, Jennifer, brings years of knowledge to the ENL UTC. Excited to work operationally expanding on her experience in education, Jennifer said

“I’m really looking forward to continuing the excellent work of the previous Business Engagement Lead, delivering excellence in education through working with local businesses to inspire and engage our wonderful students.”

These key changes to our leadership team are a positive step in continuing to support the ENL UTC’s growth, as we continue to focus our attention on going above and beyond to support our school, our futures and each other.

Find out more about the our unique, STEM-based curriculum and how to apply for their year 9 and 12 cohort for September 2020 by following the links below.

Jan/Feb 20 Roundup 2> By | Latest news | No Comments

We are very pleased to present to you our Half Term Roundup for January and February 2020. 

This interactive newsletter highlights another exciting half term here at the Engineering UTC Northern Lincolnshire. From a business breakfast and #NoMoreKnives, to plenty of Biology practicals and National Apprenticeship Week, we can’t believe how fast the last eight weeks have gone.

We look forward to further industry engagement, and preparing our students for their upcoming exams.

To read our roundup, please follow the link below. 

Our Mental Health Champions

Our Mental Health Champions 2> By | Latest news | No Comments

At the Engineering UTC Northern Lincolnshire, relationships matter. Whilst we work closely with our students to build the confidence and vital skills needed to tackle tomorrows job roles we’re also on hand to provide support surrounding mental health. Breaking down barriers and encouraging positive conversations supports our school, our futures and each other. With mental health amongst teenagers being described as an “escalating crisis” it is vital that our students, staff and parents, have access to structures that educate about these issues.

Mick Heatlie, ENL UTC Vice Chair of Governors, has been regularly involved with the ENL UTC, by using his passion for engineering to help students raise their standard of achievement through skills development. With his company ACTTnow (Assuring Competence Through Training) Mick and his team, are now delivering high-quality training courses to our staff to provide a valuable early warning and intervention system. Delivering a number of accredited First Aid Awards Training (FAA) Courses, it will cover:

FAA Level 1 Award in Awareness of First Aid for Mental Health (RQF)
Provides learners with the knowledge to identify suspected mental health conditions and the skills to start a conversation and signpost the individual towards professional help. This course is a great introduction to First Aid for Mental Health and covers a range of subjects including: what is first aid for mental health? Identifying mental health conditions, providing advice and conversation, stress, and mental health conditions.

All members of our Support and Teaching Staff will complete this half day course by end of February 2020, to feel confident, knowledgeable and ready when providing crucial early support and conversations with our young people.

FAA Level 2 Award in First Aid for Mental Health (RQF)
The Level 2 course covers the content of the Level 1 but also expands on the effects of drugs and alcohol, incorporates the First Aid for Mental Health Action Plan and covers ways in which a positive mental health culture can be supported within a workplace.

FAA Level 3 Award in Supervising First Aid for Mental Health (RQF)
The Level 3 course goes into detail on a wide range of mental health conditions and the support and help provided by healthcare professionals. It also covers the content of both the Level 1 and 2 qualifications but is aimed specifically at trainers/assessors and/or supervisor levels within the workplace.

Meet Our Mental Health Champions

Through this Level 3 qualification, three members of the ENL UTC team are now our Mental Health Champions. With Elaine Hewson, James Emmett and Lorraine Hardy, often being the first point of contact in the school it was recognised that offering them professional training, ensured they are well equipped to offer an environment for all individuals that focuses on mental wellbeing.

Not only will our champions be supporting our students and staff when dealing with home and work life, and social situations, they will also be providing support to our parents to help identify mental health conditions, how to spot and understand the early signs whilst signposting them to the appropriate professional help.

Keep an eye on our website for further detail surrounding our pastoral support and Mental Health Champions. If you have any questions or would like further information regarding anything mentioned in this article please contact us on or call 01724 878100. To find out more about ACTTnow, please follow the link below.

ENL UTC Community Woodworking 2> By | Latest news | No Comments

The Engineering UTC Northern Lincolnshire’s curriculum has been specifically designed to help prepare our young people for the world of work. Combining academic, practical and technical learning we tap into every student’s potential to ignite ideas around their future career.

With this in mind, many of our students choose to take their passion for all things STEM beyond our classrooms, labs and workshops to create their own projects, to enhance a hobby and most recently, to start their own business!

Meet our team of year 10 students who have turned their love of design and technical knowledge into a student-led business specialising in upcycling materials. The ENL UTC Community Woodwork, based in our school building on Carlton Street, Scunthorpe, will be producing unique, rustic furniture and home decorations from donated materials.

Working in conjunction with Young Enterprise, this brilliant and hardworking team will be designing and making bespoke designs that will not only help people enhance their interior design but also help reduce the use of plastic products.

With many ideas and designs already underway make sure to keep on their Facebook and Instagram page for regular updates, products and design ideas for your homes.

Our Staff – Design & Innovation 2> By | Latest news | No Comments

At the Engineering UTC Northern Lincolnshire, we are committed to providing a unique and exciting curriculum that combines academic, technical and practical learning. With a range of engineering and manufacturing workshop spaces and classrooms onsite, our students have an opportunity to get to grips with industry-standard machinery, developing sought-after skills and knowledge that future employers are looking for. However, it’s not just our students who use our workshops to be innovative.

Recently both our premises manager John, and engineering technician Ash, put their skills to the test in order to replace an existing element of the schools central heating system, working together to find a solution that wouldn’t break the bank. The part in question was a ratchet open and close valve, that was 20mm too small and didn’t have the correct handle in order to function correctly.

Originally, John contacted local companies to discuss the replacement and discovering it could cost around £500.00, he decided to turn the situation into a fun challenge by working with Ash to make the part inhouse. Using Autodesk Fusion 360, one of the 3D CAD, CAM and CAE systems our students use when creating new ideas and completing project work, Ash was able to produce an initial prototype from acrylic.

After testing the prototype and making any necessary alterations both John and Ash were able to create an aluminum version of the valve using the school’s Boxford CNC Laser Cutting machine. This aluminum part has now been approved by local gas engineers who have tested that it is safe to function!

John said, “The ingenuity of myself and Ash, means we have solved a problem at little cost. This won’t be the last time that we do projects like this because we have access to modern cutting-edge machinery and at the end of the day, why wouldn’t we want to use it!”

Thanks to John and Ash’s innovative thinking and engineering knowledge, the overall cost of replacing the valve was equivalent to a sheet of acrylic and aluminium. A perfect example of how STEM skills are transferable and can help to solve the kind of problems faced by individuals and companies every single day.

Want to find out more about life at the ENL UTC and how our unique curriculum can ignite ideas around your future? Follow the link below.

Nov/Dec 19 Roundup 2> By | Latest news | No Comments

We are very pleased to present to you our Half Term Roundup for November and December 2019. 

This interactive newsletter rounds off another jam-packed term here at the Engineering UTC Northern Lincolnshire. From celebrating our students achievements outside school and Monday funday, to eco motorhome designs and upcoming events, we can’t believe how fast the last eight weeks have gone.

We wish everybody a very merry Christmas and a happy new year. We look forward to continuining our journey with you, building on strong relationships and a culture of positivity.

To read our roundup, please follow the link below. 

Sept/Oct 19 Roundup 2> By | Latest news | No Comments

We are very pleased to present to you our Autumn Term Roundup (September to October 2019).

This interactive newsletter celebrates the start of another incredible year here at the Engineering UTC Northern Lincolnshire. From a Raising Aspirations Day and exploring space, to school trips and our first open event of the year, we have got off to a great start this year.

With this being our first with a year 9 cohort and with student numbers continuing to grow we are looking forward to what the rest of this year will bring.

To find out more, please follow the link below.