Looking to find out more about taking on a work experience student? Take a look at our helpful FAQs below.
Any further questions, please contact us on workexperience@enlutc.co.uk or by calling 01724 878100.
When does the work experience programme take place at the ENL UTC?
The work experience programme at ENL UTC takes place during year 10 and year 12, week commencing 24th of June 2019 for one academic week (Monday – Friday)
What is the purpose of work experience?
The purpose of the work experience programme is for students for find out more about the work of work and to spent time outside of the classroom within a business environment. At the UTC we are very passionate about developing the employability skills of young people and we are keen for them to find out more about what employers are looking for. We are eager for students to have exposure to the world of work and to have practical experience of engaging with the local community.
What do I need to have to be eligible to host a work experience student?
Under health and safety law, work experience students are your employees. You treat them no differently to other young people you employ. You need to have a passion for working with young people and for supporting with the development of the future workforce. If you work in a higher risk environment you will need to consider specific factors that need to be managed for young people including exposure to noise, toxic substances but if these specific factors exist in your workplace, you should already have control measures in place.
I have never had a work experience student before; where can I find out about best practise for a work experience student?
The Health and Safety Executive website gives out crucial information for placement providers (employers) regarding hosting a work experience student. Under health and safety law, work experience students are your employees. You treat them no differently to other young people you employ. Your existing employers’ liability insurance policy will cover work placements, provided your insurer is a member of the Association of British Insurers or Lloyds, so there is no need for you to obtain any additional employer’s liability insurance if you take on work experience students. Simply use your existing arrangements for assessments and management of risks to young people. For further information please see the HSE website by clicking here.
What will the UTC do to support a student and employer during the work experience programme?
The UTC will be on hand to support with any query regarding the work experience programme. There is a dedicated work experience email address at workexperience@enlutc.co.uk which will be answered within 24 hours for general queries. If you need to report a student absent or raise an issue whilst the student is on placement, please do not hesitate to contact us directly. Contact numbers will be provided before the start of the placement. All students will be visited throughout the work experience week for the UTC to check in with the employer and the student.
Will there be a formal evaluation of the work experience placement?
There will not be a formal evaluation of the work experience placement, however feedback will be obtained from the employer regarding the student’s progress, attitude and willingness to learn throughout the placement. There is a very short form to complete in order to support the professional development of the student. We will be producing some case studies from the work experience placement in order to celebrate the successes of students and businesses so if you would like to be part of this please do let us know.
Who do I contact to discuss a query relating to work experience?
If you would like to host a work experience student or would like some further information regarding this, please do not hesitate to contact the UTC on 01724 878 1000. Alternatively, please email the work experience email account on workexperience@enlutc.co.uk and someone will get in touch with you to support. If you have a general query regarding work experience, the health and safety around this and the legalities of hosting a student, please see the HSE website by clicking here.
What if there is a problem during the work experience?
Prior to the placement starting, you will be provided with in case of emergency contact information in order to get in touch with parents and carers if you need to contact them directly. If a student is going to be absent from the placement or is running late and they have let the UTC know, then we will contact you directly to let you know.
Aren't there lots of forms to complete and additional health and safety requirements?
There is an initial employer form to complete which asks for key information about what kind of work the student will be undertaking, what risk is the placement and key information regarding your public liability insurance policy. The HSE has advised that taking on work experience is straightforward for employers and should not be about generating unnecessary paperwork. The main information that we need to capture from employers is to ensure that young people are safe at all times.
Where can I find out more about other ways of supporting the UTC?
If you are interested in supporting the UTC in other ways, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our business engagement leader on c.boden@enlutc.co.uk or 01724 878 100.